Ramai orang lebih mengenali orang lain, Tapi...tidak mengenali diri sendiri. Kerana hanya sibuk mencari kesalahan dan kekurangan orang tanpa menghitung kekurangan dan kesilapan sendiri. *~*~*~*Kalau inginkan kesejahteraan setahun... tanamlah benih. Kalau inginkan kesejahteraan 10 tahun... tanamlah pokok Kalau inginkan kesejahteraan 100 tahun... Maka..didiklah manusia *~*~*~*
Saturday, February 28, 2009
DEFINITION: CAT aims to specify the strategies of convergence, divergence, and maintenance by examining how speakers modify their communication to reduce or increase the difference between speakers and their conversational partners.
When a speaker has particular relational goals for an interaction, she will select communication strategies attending to or anticipating the recipient’s own communication characteristics. This process is called COMMUNICATIVE ATTUNING
1. Overaccommodation. A miscommunicative process where at least one participant perceives a speaker to “go beyond” a communicative style necessary for attuning talk on a particular occasion.
Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT)
Objective: This study examined mothers’ and fathers’ perceptions of effective and ineffective communication by nurses in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) environment, using Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT) as the framework.
Methods: 20 mothers and 13 fathers participated in a semi-structured interview about their perceptions of effective and ineffective communication with nurses when their infant was in the NICU. The interviews were coded for using the CAT strategies.
Results: Descriptions of effective and ineffective communication differed in terms of the strategies mentioned with effective communication about shared management of the interaction and appropriate support and reassurance by nurses. Ineffective communication was more about the interpretability strategy, particularly for fathers, and these interactions were seen as more intergroup. Mothers emphasised more being encouraged as equal partners in the care of their infant.
Conclusion: Effective
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Phenomenology is a movement in philosophy that has been adapted by certain sociologists to promote an understanding of the relationship between states of individual consciousness and social life. As an approach within sociology, phenomenology seeks to reveal how human awareness is implicated in the production of social action, social situations and social worlds (Natanson 1970).
Phenomenology was initially developed by Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), a German mathematician who felt that the objectivism of science precluded an adequate apprehension of the world (Husserl 1931, 1970). He presented various philosophical conceptualizations and techniques designed to locate the sources or essences of reality in the human consciousness. It was not until Alfred Schutz (1899-1959) came upon some problems in Max Weber's theory of action that phenomenology entered the domain of sociology (Schutz 1967). Schutz distilled from Husserl's rather dense writings a sociologically relevant approach. Schutz set about describing how subjective meanings give rise to an apparently objective social world (Schutz, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1970. 1996; Schutz and Luckmann 1973; Wagner 1983).
peplau's theory
Peplau’s theory focuses on the interpersonal processes and therapeutic relationship that develops between the nurse and client. The interpersonal focus of Peplau’s theory requires that the nurse attend to the interpersonal processes that occur between the nurse and client. Interpersonal process is maturing force for personality. Interpersonal processes include the nurse- client relationship, communication, pattern integration and the roles of the nurse. Psychodynamic nursing is being able to understand one’s own behavior to help others identify felt difficulties and to apply principles of human relations to the problems that arise at all levels of experience. This theory stressed the importance of nurses’ ability to understand own behavior to help others identify perceived difficulties.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Writing the Proposal for a Qualitative Research Methodology Project
because of the emergent nature of qualitative research design and because a methodology
study entails describing a process to produce a process. How the authors addressed this challenge
is shown in the annotated text of the grant proposal—“Analytic Techniques for Qualitative
Metasynthesis”—funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research. Appealing
qualitative research proposals adhere to principles that engage writers and readers in an
informative and mutually respectful interaction.
Margarete Sandelowski
Julie Barroso
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The communication accommodation theory
Accommodation is basic human, and it is observable in verbal and non-verbal behaviour.
Focussing on verbal behaviour the communication accommodation theory was first presented
as a theory of accent mobility in the early 1970 by Howard Giles and colleges (Giles 1973,
Giles & Powesland [1975] 1997). Accent mobility refers to “the ability of an individual to
modify his accent or pronunciation” (Giles 1973:89). The theory has changed its name from
accent mobility, to speech accommodation to communication accommodation (Shepard, Giles
& Le Poire 2001), and the changes reflect that accommodation is not only limited to
pronunciation, but is also apparent in grammar and communication patterns. The heart of the
theory is still the same: A speaker is able to change the speech according to converge or
diverge towards his or hers partners in the conversation. It is also proposed that the speech
partners can maintain the style of interaction.
Senyum untuk nilai murni
Senyum untuk nilai murni
TAHUN ini merupakan tahun ketiga Kempen Budi Bahasa dan Nilai-Nilai Murni Kementerian Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan Malaysia (KeKKWa) yang telah dirasmikan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi di Istana Negara pada 11 Januari 2005.
Tahun lepas kempen ini menggunakan tema Kesopanan di mana ia selaras dengan prinsip kelima Rukun Negara iaitu ‘Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan’ yang diterjemahkan ke dalam aktiviti-aktiviti kekeluargaan, pembelajaran, kemasyarakatan dan perkhidmatan.
Tahun ini tema kempen ini ialah ‘Bersih dan Senyum’ seperti apa yang dinyatakan oleh Menteri Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim ia dilaksanakan kerana terdapat di kalangan masyarakat masa kini yang mempunyai nilai-nilai dan amalan hidup yang kasar serta tidak mengendahkan tatasusila.
Realitinya masyarakat Malaysia memang sukar untuk menjaga kebersihan terutama di kawasan-kawasan awam, cuba kita lihat tandas-tandas awam, taman-taman awam dan apa sahaja yang menjadi hak milik awam semuanya tidak terjaga dan kotor.
Masyarakat negara ini pada realitinya juga tidak mudah memberikan senyuman dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang yang telah berbudi atau kepada sesiapa sahaja yang telah membantu kita.
Itulah realitinya masyarakat Malaysia kurang menjaga kebersihan dan kurang memberikan senyuman walaupun kepada rakan sepejabat.
Maka kata-kata Rais bahawa kempen bersih dan senyum ini dilaksanakan untuk menyemarakkan sikap positif di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia baik yang berada di bandar, luar bandar, di rumah dan di tempat kerja memang tepat pada masanya.
‘‘Kita pada masa ini sukar untuk mengucapkan salam, selamat datang dan pelbagai lagi kata-kata aluan serta sukar untuk memberikan senyuman atau berkhidmat dengan senyuman,’’ katanya semasa melancarkan Kempen Menyemarakkan Budaya Bersih dan Senyum di Kalangan Masyarakat Pelbagai Lapisan di Jalan Hussain, Chow Kit Kuala Lumpur pada Jumaat lepas.
Pemilihan Chow Kit sebagai tempat pelancaran kempen ini juga memberi makna yang tersendiri kerana semua orang mengenali tempat ini sebagai kawasan yang penuh dengan kedukaan, kotor, tempat di mana penagih tegar berada dan pelbagai lagi perkara yang negatif.
Menurut Rais pemilihan Chow Kit sebagai pelancaran kempen ini dibuat kerana latar belakang dan sejarah kawasan ini.
Bersih dan senyum amat penting kepada kemanusiaan tetapi malangnya ia tidak menjadi amalan harian masyarakat Malaysia.
Berapa kerap kita memberikan senyuman ikhlas kepada suami atau isteri, anak-anak, ahli keluarga, rakan sepejabat dan pelanggan. Kenyataan Rais ini mungkin realiti apa yang berlaku sekarang, senyum tidak ada di wajah kita walaupun senyum itu amat penting dalam amalan harian sama ada semasa melayani masyarakat, pelanggan atau orang ramai baik di kaunter atau meja hadapan di jabatan kerajaan atau swasta.
Apa yang menyegarkan, kementerian akan membawa kempen bersih dan senyum ini terus ke masyarakat iaitu di Jalan Petaling dan Kampung Keramat - dua tempat yang kita jarang melihat kebersihan dan senyuman sebagai amalan hidup.
Lambang senyuman akan dipopularkan bukan sahaja di pusat-pusat membeli-belah malahan akan dipopularkan di kedai kecil.
Monday, February 9, 2009
bahasa MElayu ke MAna arah?
Bahasa Melayu Boleh Jatuhkan Yahudi
Semasa Perdana Menteri Turki Perdana Menteri Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan bertikam lidah dengan Presiden Israel, Shimon Peres dalam Forum Ekonomi Dunia di Davos, Switzerland, pada 30 Jan 2009 berhubung serangan tentera Zionis di Genting Gaza, apa yang kebanyakan kita terlepas pandang ialah bagaimana bangganya Recep Tayyip Erdogan sepanjang sessi berkenaan beliau bercakap dalam bahasa Turki.
Beliau mengecam Peres dalam bahasa Turki, beliau membantah moderator dalam Bahasa Turki. Dengan bahasa Turki, bangsa Yahudi menerima tamparan hebat.
Tapi malangnya kita di Malaysia , malu nak guna Bahasa Melayu dalam persidangan antarabangsa (tak 'class' konon). Malu nak guna Bahasa Melayu dalam persidangan antarabangsa di Malaysia sendiri. Sehinggakan Matematik dan Sains pun diajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Mana maruah, mana martabat, mana keagungan Bahasa Melayu ?
Berbanggalah dengan Bahasa Melayu, martabatkan kembali Bahasa Melayu.
Hidup Bahasa Melayu! Mansuhkan PPSMI!
Nota: Lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan akan wujud dalam seminar dan forum dalam dan luar negara apabila ramai akan menceburi bidang kerjaya sebagai penterjemah apabila Bahasa Melayu dimartabatkan.